Friday, November 18, 2011



September 18, 2011


Tacoma, WA

This year was fun.  My bestests 2nd run.  Rain.  Of course.  I saddled up with my sisters family this time.  Just before leaving the house, it was monsooning (raining really hard?).  I have said it before and I will say it again.  If you let the rain stop you around here, you'll never go anywhere.  It was nice to be dropped off at the start line.  The crowd had not built up yet so we headed for our traditional honey bucket visit.  It is my favorite to have my sister waiting for me outside the potty.  As I step out, I give my spandex running shorts a hard yank up, and announce, "I'm ready to run."  Like its a secret what everyone is doing in there?

It was chilly so we jumped around.  Our favorite is to do a fashion review.  We have found that pre-race line up have become one big running gear fashion show.  Admiring different shoe choices ect,.  One day I will have to do some interviewing about how people like what they are wearing especially while they are running.  That would be fun.

One of my big complaints about past races is where I start.  I have also started behind my pace.  Deciding whether or not I like passing people or keeping pace with my group, as not been determined.   Till now.  I started near the front.  I didn't realize just how close I parked myself up there.  When the guns went off, it was all good.  But a half mile in I started pushing.  That's all it took.  By the second mile, I was in trouble.  I had put myself up in pace group I couldn't hang with.  I burned too much too soon.  My pace came crashing down as I tried to hold on.  It was fun in the beginning.  Short lived and not ready to be in the front with the big girls.  Had to kick off my big girl panties.  I salvaged what I could of myself.  Trying to get my heart rate and endurance back.

Not every race is going to be perfect.  You can make mistakes.  I made a mistake.  Woopsie.  My time suffered.  I blew myself up so much that I was slower than last year.  But my sister wasn't!!!  And that was all worth it.

You Go Girl race, I give you thumbs up.  I loved loved loved my 10K necklace!  It hangs very well with the rest of my race medals.  Organized, great post race event.  Bagels, energy drinks, ect,.  Well done.  I will be back.
Drop off :)

Big PR for my sis!

Monday, October 3, 2011

8k Torchlight Run

July 30, 2011


Seattle, WA


What a fun time!  I hated to the run but loved the company.  My first race with my cousin Melissa.  My second Torchlight Run with one of my besties Michelle.  It was a little rushed which I hate doing for races.  Rushing to the start line zaps your energy.  But this is more a fun run.  Although there was nothing fun about it in the end.

My cousin is a newer runner.  I planned on staying with her.  At the beginning of the race they announced if you didn't hold a 11:31 pace for the 8k, then you need to devert to the 5k race.  A few last minute hiccups at the start line and we were ready.  There were a lot of people.  I happily ran into my children's pediatrician, who, once again, beat my...........pace.  We started running.  So much fun!  There was my other cousin snapping pictures as we rounded the corner.  The parade route came up quickly.  My cousin went into a run walk run walk.  I got concerned.  Glancing down at my ipod it was hard to gage what our true overall pace was.  My nike ipod sensor is that fancy.  It said 12:13 at that point.  The 5k turn off was coming up quickly.  She was doing great, but still needing to bust down to a walk.  I had no idea what our overall was so I made the decision.  We would need to turn off to play it safe.  Of course she urged me to do the 8k, telling me she would be fine.  Looking back, I should have stayed with her!  It would have been a lot funner.  The 5k turn off was coming.  We decided I would go and she would do the 5k.  So I started to haul.  It was a nice down hill but my legs took a beating.  I immediately felt the jello effect come in to play.  My legs suddenly felt wobbly.  The route we took was all too familiar.  It looked a lot like the full marathon I had just ran in June.  As in any race, what goes down, must come up.  Up we went on the viaduct.  Jello legs, Up hill, only to be blasted with heat at the top of the viaduct.  FAIL.  My body started to get cold.  Cold in the heat?  Hyperthermia?  I felt like I might throw up.  So I immediately slowed by pace down to a trot.  Lets face it, a DNF and vomiting is not a good outcome.  I think at one point I even walked.  I chatted with a gal because I wanted her to console me regarding the doom I was in.  Not the end of the world but no fun!  I found my slow jog again. Only to be greeted by the nastiness of a steep Seattle slap me in face HILL!    You know,  the kind you don't want to be on in a stick shift car because the incline is so steep you will roll back into the person behind you!   I came in the finish line sweaty, wobbly, and not feeling well.  Felt like cussen.  What's new, lol.

I started looking for my cousin and my friends.  Found them.  No one look like they even broke a sweat.  I was practically traumatized just wanting to drink and stare.

Not that I am making excuses but after my full marathon in June, the one day STP in July, not sure I was fully recovered.  I am gonna go with that.

Back in 2011!  Tradition?  Yes!
My awesome cousin who rocked the 5k!
Yep, I wore fish net stocking.  Acted like a cheese grater on my feet.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Seattle to Portland 2011 One Day Ride

STP Ride

I expected to be nervous for this. I was excited though. Now that its done, I should have been more nervous.
July 9, 2011
Seattle, WA  University of WA Parking Lot E-1 

200 am

That start was 430am. I chose to get a timing chip which meant we had to wait 15 minutes in order to be clocked. I am so use to runs being time I just had to rent the chip. The morning off I was nervous because I hadn't made arrangements to meet my riding partner. Not sure how we missed out do that part. At one point I settled into the fact I would be riding alone. But there he was! "I have a gift for you!" he said. He rode back to his car to get it. A Cure JM riding jersey! It was awesome. 

It was about 440 when we saddle up and headed for the start line. I had no jitters. It was more excitement. The pain of riding usually doesn't hit till later. Not like running, where right out of the gate your breathing and burning. Starting on the very street where for the past two years I had spent hours on because of bad traffic after returning home from the hospital. I was quickly introduced to one of the not favorite parts of the ride. The large cracks my slim tires gave my body quit the jolt. After 200 miles of jolts, my body was a little fed up. But at that point I didn't realize those we so bad. 

Born in raised in Seattle you would think I would have experienced most of it. The route came over a bridge I had never been on before. It circled around neighbors which led us to the shores of Lake Washington. It was still chilly, but the view distracted me from that. Lake Washington with Mount Rainer in the background at sunrise. God was present. Right from the get go I was very happy to have my riding partner with me. As a rider, and a courtesy, you are required to call out turns, passings, railroad tracks, holes, cars, ect,. I let Jake do that the first fifty miles until I became more accustomed to it. 

My first hill was small but sharp. I was chatting with Jake telling him I had done 2 marathons and a triathlon on this very route. As a spoke the words we turned sharp right. I found myself on the hill in my big ring. Embarrassing rookie mistake. It took me twice as long to get up the short hill as it did Jake. Ugh. Oh well. We quickly found ourselves in Renton. I was still very excited. I told Jake that I was having so much fun. I told him I would let him know when it wasn't fun anymore.  Renton was rough road with all the rivets, dips, bonks, and jolts.  The first 25 was REI in Kent.  No need to stop. We were just getting warmed up. Puyallup.  Never have been to or have gotten to Puyallup via the route we took but it was pretty neat.  My pace was not on par with Jake.  He ended up being my link the entire ride.  His patient and support kept me pedaling.  And he waited.   
My First Big Hill
Mile 45.  It is significant enough to be mention in the route description.  I could hardly believe we were already there.  I put it into my spin gear and started working it.  It was there on that hill I got a wake up call.  It seemed that no one else used that gear and everyone was significantly faster than I was. The endurance was remarkable.  I spun and spun and worked the hill. The others flew right by me.  I would like to label it humility but it really wasn't.  It was just a wake up call.
First 50
I have to admit, riding into our first stop I was a little worried.  I dismounted as I saw my sister.  I immediately went for my stash.  Aleve and IBprofen.  My legs were aching pretty good.  I started to wonder.  Just how far I would make it.  Before panic set in though I decided to relax, walk a bit, and eat.  It was just the start of my huge eating extravaganza!  I ate a wrap, a banana, some orange, and stuff down a few cookies.  I know, pig.  Wash it down with water and gatorade.  I started feeling much much better.  My excitement returned.  As we geared backup for the next 50, I sunblocked with a fellow bikers supply.  We headed out.  

Onto 100
This was my favorite part of the ride by far.  It was flat trail riding.  My expertise.  I run on flat trails and trained on flat trail.  Time to BURN.  We ended up maintaining a pretty good pace for me.  Jake was even surprised.  We stopped at mile 75 briefly to pee and he asked, "where did that come from?"  Unfortunately as soon as the trail stopped so did my pace.  But we were able to reach Centrialia a little earlier than expected.  Was I still having fun?  Sure.  Next 100 is where it hurt.

Mile 100
We stopped for more food and met up with Jake's lovie and my sister.  My husband and kids were not going to make it in time.  My Mom and Dad were close but we had to keep moving.  I ate a popsicle, more sandwhich, some fruit, and more gatorade.  As soon as we departed the beloved half way mark is when it proved not to be enough.  

Miles 100-150
Two miles out of 100, I started cramping on the inside on my right thigh of all places.  I had the throw my leg straight out and come right down to a coast.  I instantly start downing my water bottles and popping electrolite jelly beans.  It help a whole lot!  My pace really suffered but I wasn't going to quit.  The sun was shining, and I was sweating.   The miles seemed to get longer.  More and more parts started to get irritated.  Anything that touch the bike burned.  Not so much my bum like I thought it would.  The cramp in my leg kept coming in but through the power of water and relaxing, I was able to pedal through it.

I ate so much.  I ate snickers, sandwhiches, fruit, cookies.  I drank gatorade, water, ice t.  I think I even had a pepsi at one point.  I feel sick just thinking about all the stuff I ate but my body demanded it. 

I was thankful for no bike malfunctions.  I was thankful for no flat tires.  I was thankful for my riding partner.  I was thankful for pit crew who waited for me at each stop.  

The last fifty of course was the hardest.  As we set out from our last 25 miles to go mark Jake told me in order for us to make it in by the cut off we had to hold a 16 mile pace.  I pedaled my heart out.  It was a long tedious ride with lots of traffic, rough road, plently of hills.

My mile 175 it wasn't my legs that were giving out, but my hands.   I was unable to shift the bike from gear to gear.  It took everything I had to switch gears for hills.  At the end, I just couldn't do it anymore.  My toes burned, my legs ached, and I was ready to be done.  Jake was so awesome.  He said with all his heart and sincerity,  "I am so proud of you."  Well if that didn't keep me going.

Why yes, that is me, eating again, and ready for bed!
Portland, not a complete fan of.  It has bad mojo for me.  I do believe it is cursed.  So you bet your bippy I was brave to ride my bike there.  But we made it!  The finish line closed at 9:00.  We came in about 8:30.  4:30 to 8:30 Long tine on bike.  Thank you to the best riding partner ever!  And thank you to my friend Rachel for so generously lending me her bike!  I thought of how grateful I was to her.  How selfless it was to lend me something like this.  Love her bike.

5906  Bradford Erika -   Black Diamond, WA United States 4:47:21 20:35:04 15:47:43

I recovered slow.  Apparently I irritated the nerves in my hands.  Buttoning pants and bra's, counting money, turning the car on was a challenge for the next couple weeks.  But guess what, I'm back and recovered.  It's all better.    

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Seattle Rock n Roll Marathon 2011

My second FULL marathon.

Seattle Rock N Roll Marathon


June 25, 2011


Awake, at 2am.

I had so much anxiety leading up to this marathon. I knew why.  Lets face it.  Until I get more of these full marathons under my belt, I don't think it will go away.  The weeping and worry.  I literally get sick, t minus an hour before the marathon.  The car ride to the marathon is agonizing.  Cold sweats, rocking back and forth.  I just want to get there and start.  That is the only way to pop the bubble of anxiety that is causing me to want to poop and puke at the same time.  Yet in the end, post 48 hours, I am dying to run another.

My little sister and brother in law were involuntarily nominated to drive me to the start.  Mom and Pops can't be the ones.  I would be to emotional.  They would most likely have to carry me and place me in my coral, then peel me off of them to get me to start running.  My older sister would be go to go too but she was my point on course person.  My hubby has to stay with the kids, and he gets just as scared as I do for me so that doesn't help.  Although I like feeling justified in my feelings knowing, hey this is a big thing worth having a little worry over.  Anything can happen in 26.2 miles.  Something I have worked on for months and months could go down the tube with one trip or slip or twist.  Maybe even a little heart attack, you never know.  

My little sister is also patient with me.  She and my brother in law entertain my fears but stop them by getting onto business.  I am never organized.  I wish I could be one of those.  I think that I am being organized but in my distraction of fear,  what pocket did I stick my ipod in?  OH MY GOODNESS did I leave it, oh my baloney there is no time to go back and get i.......oh there it is.  In a secret pocket I forgot to look in.  My brother in law snatched my back pack away, like you have got to be kidding me!   LOL   

The drop off at the marthon was nutz like last year was crazy.  We ended up pulling off at the casino to gear up and walk in to the start which was about 1 mile away.  We were greeted by a manager of the casino shouting, "I will have you towed if you park here."  I shouted back, "I am just being dropped off."  I wasn't nice about it because I thought it was stupid.  But I can see he can't have his parking lot filled all day with nowhere for his customers to park.  But why do people have to be so gruffy about it?  Nothing wrong with being nice.  

Marathon Tradition
Marathon tradition by definition:  Always have to use the porta potties that have endless lines.  This time I got lucky.  They put a long line of porta potties at the end of the trail away from the start.  I walked past the long line of people thinking no way.  No way will I get through that line in time.  The number of porta potties were a lot.  At the very end were a whole batch of them completely open.  Out of desperation to go to the bathroom, which will make or break your race, you think I was gonna walk by?  I mean, I know there was a line for them but it was a rare opportunity I had to snatch up.  The line of people were way down the way.  I heard my sister start calling down to the line, "there are open bathrooms down here".  After doing what I needed to do, I felt so so so much better.  I think part of my worry is I won't be able to find a bathroom to use.  I got very lucky.  The lines are unbelievable. 

Coral 19
My sister walked me almost to my coral.  I told her this is where I wanted her to turn back and find her husband.  I am so lucky to have such a great family.  But only I was in charge of running this race.  I found my coral and settle in.  I plugged my ear phones in and began to cry.  Yep!  Balled like a little baby on a Sunday in a church daycare.  I started in on my music.  Looking my song that would be the anthem to the race.  Every race I run has a special song I start out running to.  The Dawg Dash back in October was Welcome to the Jungle.   Last years Seattle half anthem song was Push It to the Limit.  I settle in for a worship song first though.  I started praying.  I thanked God for my health.   I thanked Him for my body.  I thanked him for my wonderful family.  I thanked him for my wonderful children.  I thanked Him for keeping Gary healthy.  I thanked him for giving me the courage to be standing there in coral 19.  I asked Him to be with me during this race.  I thanked Him for giving His son to us.  I asked Him to help me fly through the pain.  And I wept.  It's emotions that over take you.  What you are about to endure.  What you are about to do.  Anything can happen in 26.2 miles, I suggest God be your co-pilot.  It helps tremendously.   At that point I had to get my tears to turn off because I didn't want to look silly as the only big baby in the coral.  I had a few woman flash a smile at me, as if to say, I know.  They didn't even need to ask what was wrong.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I was full on blubbering, just silent weeping.    Anyway, back to get myself pulled out of the weeps.  They were bouncing beach balls up at the start line throughout the crowd.  I. DID. NOT. WANT. TO. PLAY. BALL!  Lol.   I said out loud, "if that ball hits me in the head, I'm gonna get it, and pop it".   What do you suppose happen twice.  Seriously people.  I suppose it was a distraction but ME NO LIKEY!   Finally it was time.  Our coral was ready for gun time.

First Seven
A lot of people run this marathon.  A lot of people run with friends.  They like to run with their friends.  Sometimes elbow to elbow, forming a hard to get around, pace breaking LINE!  I know, I am a total party pooper but Im running a marathon.  I got goals people.  I even resorted to getting up behind people and grunting.  I am not saying that I am ready for a faster coral but buggers!!

I was so glad at this point that I ran the half last year.  It didn't seem has hard that way.  Knowing what inclines were coming was nice.  I was sweating a lot!  It was dripping into my eyes.  No bother though.

I began to look for friends.  The first friend I spotted was Merilynn.  She and her husband had volunteered to pass out water at the race.  I asked her to wear a Cure JM shirt and she happily accepted.  Thank you to the Bates Family!  On to the lake front.  Lots of people, still fought the line runners and the elbow to elbow friend clubs.  But has the street would widen it was better.  At about mile seven I saw a large Cure JM orange shirt. It was a tall one too.  It was my beloved brother in law!   There they were.  I knew my sister was with him, along with my lovie Michelle, who ran the half with me last year.  My sister had large sign, I didn't read it because I was busy.  BUSY BALLING LIKE A BABY AGAIN.  LOL.   I wanted to wrap my arms and legs around her as we hugged and whisper in to her ear, "get me out of here." LOL   I would never but those are my emotions.  Michelle took many awesome pictures which is a huge gift.  Despite no make up and sweating profusely, I am very very thankful.

It was long and lonely but a nice, drying experience.  The wind came up and aired everyone out.  It was beautiful out there.  As we ascended up, and broke off from the half runner, I had the song E. T.  by Katy Perry playing.  The line, "you are not invited to the other side of sanity" played.  I grinned with pride breaking off to the bridge.  I went from running with a lot of people to running with no one.  Ahhhhh.  More my style.  I chatted with a couple ladies who were first timers.  They had a mean pace.  But we all agreed the break off from the crowd was nice.  We called the crowd Half Riff Raff.   It was very pretty out there.  The water glistened with the sun.  I kept getting glances on my arm, In Memory of Casey.  I began to get a little weepy again so I had to set a new rule.  Weeping takes my air, so no more weeping.  Come on Casey, help me out here I thought.   My knee started acting up on the bridge.  I started to get a little worried.  My toes were burning.  I began to wonder if I should have ran in my old shoes. But at that point, no return.  The bridge was long.  I was happy to have it done with.  It was the first segment of the dreaded, OUT and BACK.  They run you out, show you want you have to do to come back to your next mile.  Hurts your mind a little bit.  My lovies caught back up with again at mile 11!  YAY.  It was a good distraction to see them and keep looking for them.  The run for the city was fun.  Roads are stinking.  You have to be careful for knee twisters and ankle benders in the uneven roads.  They had a sharp down hill when taking us up onto the Alaskan Way viaduct.  Everyone started to yell around me as we descended down.  Including me!  It hurt!  Sharp down like that.  No spanky.   It was short lived though.  The next segment of the out and back came up quick.  Not before we were treated with a water station manned with big, buff, army rangers.  "Nice job Mam."  Think I take breathe'r here.  LOL.  Awooogaaa.  Hubba hubba! :) lol.  Is it me, or it HOT out here, or yay, that's right, I'm running a marathon, O yeah, and I'm married, sooo gotta go. Smack back to reality.  I would see them soon again, but not soon enough.

MILES 16-21
Brutal.   Running through the tunnels did not bother me at all.  I thought it was kinda cool.  Like an underworld : )  They need to do a halloween run through there.  Up and out of the tunnel was a awesome sign on the opposite side of the street.   It said, "MILE 21".  Ok  what?  Did I just warp some miles? No.  Wait.  don't be dumb, and don't get excited.  That is their Mile 21, not mine.  Not yet.  That was an out and back mind bending crusher.  At mile 17 I started to sputter.  My knee was pinching and my toes were on fire.  I had to walk.   I walk and shoved down a power bar.  Back to running was rough.  My power bar tried to bounce back up but I wouldn't let it.  I had filled my water bottles with Gatorade.  It tasted terrible!  YUCK.  Don't know why they tasted so back but no thanks.  By mile 21 the hurts were setting in.  Back up threw the tunnel again I kept pushing.  My pace was pathetic but I was still running.  Ok maybe jogging but I wasn't going to speed past the army rangers.  NO MAM!

MILES 21-26.2
Mind bending.  Running past a view of the finish line was a little mind bending.  Miles 23-25 were hard.  Every step was a stinker.  My ipod was ahead of me.  It would tell me I reached a mile marker when I had not yet.  But I just changed the words to "you almost reached Mile 25".  They throw one last hill in for at the end there.  Make it hurt REAL GOOD.   LOL

I got a text from my little sissy who signed up for run tracker.  She texted, "your almost done, 4:20, come on, you can do it."  My pace just wouldn't hold up.  I was so happy to run down after mile 25.  I text back really quick, "here I come".   There on the corner of my last stretch was part of me.  The man who help put me in the this world.  The man God blessed me so much with, my Dad.  Smiling brightly.  He glowed.  As I approached him, the BIG BALL BABY came back.  It was short lived because running and crying equal no air.  So I had to get a hold of myself and finish.  Daddy joined me out on the course.  Took my hand.  "Tired?" he asked.  "Just a little" I said sarcastically.  He took my hand.  As we cornered, there they all were. You know how you here those stories of near death experiences?  They say you are greeted by your family when you pass on after death.  There they were. MY HEAVEN.  They are all MY HEAVEN.  The screamed and shouted and smiled so big.  Dad let go of my hand and motioned to run on in.  I started to run faster because that's what you do when running a marathon.  You never walk in if you can help it.  I was feeling great.  I was feeling let down a little. I was hoping for a better finish time.  But hey, my second marathon, shaved an hour off of my first marathon.

There are so many details I have left out.  I could write a book!  I will fill more in as I remember them.

Post 48 hours later, I want to run me another marathon!!!!!! But on to the STP.  204 miles on a bike.  YEP


I really LOVED seeing all the CURE JM orange shirts.  It was an honor to be able to be there.  Before the marathon, in effort to raise money.  I pledge to write the names of the children names on my legs with a sharpie.  I was very happy to meet my fundraising goal.  I had some very awesome last minute donations come in.  I had a lot of people looking at my legs and asking me about CURE JM.  Awesome to raise awareness.  I have had some very heart felt message on facebook sent to me and I am just so thankful I was able to do it.  I am so honored to know and be apart of CURE JM.  It is a reflection of what we go through has parents of children who have been diagnosed with an incurable disease.  The horror, and the beauty of it all.  Thank you to all the families who donated money and gave me permissiont to write there childs name on my legs : ):  Here are some of the beautiful, amazing, wonderful comments:

"Absolutely awesome! Thank you for the honor of having Kristen's name as part if your running legs!"

"You are truly so amazing Erika and THANK YOU for doing this!!! I hope it is okay I keep tagging the pictures but I wanted to show my friends and family how wonderful you are! Hugs!!!"

"Jessie has always been quiet about her disease, not wanting to share or let others know too much about it. When other people talk about it, she would often just tear up and get quiet. But when I showed her her name on your leg and what you did for her, her face lit up in a big smile. You really made her day Erika. Thanks for everything!"

"That's Awesome!!!"

"You ROCK!!!! There are no words to tell you what this picture means! When you first mentioned it, I thought, "what a cool idea!" I had no idea what an effect it would have on my heart! Thank you for blessing all of with this simple but HUGE GIFT!!! This has blessed me abundantly!!! All of the runners are amazing! Maybe you will have started a new trend ;-)"

"I know Casey was with you and all the other runners, Casey liked to run too. She played soccer all her life, center wing or forward, she liked CW best for she could run more. Thank you again Erika! and God Bless!!!"

Monday, June 27, 2011

Freemont 5k

So this running blog as turned into a race review kind of thing because it seems that is the only thing I have time for.  But keep the torch light I say!

Fremont 5K & Briefcase Relay

Freemont 5k

June 10, 2011

7pm Start

Ok so I think was my first race that didn't start at the crack of dawn!  And guess what, it agreed with me very much.  This was a very organized race.  I enjoyed very much : ).  I caught it on a Facebook sale of $15 bucks so that made it even more fun.  My sister, who was out of the race scene for a bit with a tight IT band, was back in action.  Finally I got my race partner back.  We had a blast bouncy around the area waiting for the briefcase relay to finish.  The course was located in Freemont, Seattle, WA.  Right down the street from the famouse Freemont Troll.  The weather was perfect.

I had went to get us matching socks earlier that day.  When suiting up we found out they were for some strange chicken lady leg sized person.  They were tight as drum on our legs.  Muffin top legs is not desirable.  But we piss pants laughed the whole time about how they were going to have surgically remove these socks.  We would run in with black legs.

The poo part was I had been fighting a bit of a cold so feeling a little under the weather.  Nothing a few sips of  beer pre-race didn't handle.  I decided not to set goals and just to run this one.  Fast, slow, no matter, just to have fun.  Sure the moment the guns go off, my mind goes right to race mode and get the hell out of my way.  Well not that bad ass.  I sound cocky but I was pleased with my time of 24.38.  5k PR.   Keep going for improvement.  Two thumbs up at the Freemont 5k!!

overall place:165 out of 584
division place:13 out of 100
gender place:31 out of 294

Friday, April 15, 2011


Seahawks 12K at The Landing logo

April 10, 2011


Race Start:  9am

Whole family tagged along.

SO MUCH FUN!  My first 12k.  The race was very well organized.  Easy access.  Easy packet pick-up.  Nice rolling course.  We ran with a view of Lake Washington.  It took us at a turn around at the Virgina Mason Athletic Center where the Blue Thunder was playing!  VERY COOL!  I loved it.  It was kinda cool but the rain held off.  I would totally do this race again.  LOVED the shirt!  My new favorite.  Long sleeve, fluorescent yellow.  My time was typical.  That 's my race pace.  Looks like I'm sticking too it.  I missed my running buddies.  She has bad knee right now so we are working to get her back on track.    Here are my results.  CLICK HERE

Early morning get up.  Some were not happy.

Always running for my cause.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Running VS Biking

Oh how I have missed my running blog!  All is well, I just have been busy.  I am doing my best to get my runs in to keep up on my marathon training.   It is official.  I am currently signed up for both the Rock N Roll Full Marathon and the STP Bike Ride.  I am beyond excited!  I have not done any local races recently just because they start to add up and hit the pocket book of a single income family.  I was hoping to get to do the Seahawk run this Sunday but doesn't look like it.   I am working however to get my long runs back up there.  I did 15 miles last weekend.  I am hoping to get it up there.  I love love love, hate hate hate long runs!  : )  How is your training going?

Friday, February 4, 2011


In training!  I am starting to hit training hard.  I haven't officially came out with this because until my registration is locked down, its official.  But I am planning on doing the Full marathon in June (Seattle RnR) and a week later I plan on pedaling my heart out and doing the STP!!!!!   I am so excited.  Can I do it?  If I train too I can.  I don't think I can, I know I can!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Santa Runs Tacoma 2010 10k Grinch Solo

Dec. 18th



Tacoma, WA

What a fun run!  The costumes alone are worth running for!  We did the 10k solo.  It was apparently new to the program.  The race was originally a 5k.  So they added a 10k and had us loop the 5k.  It was great!  The weather started out raining but as if someone called in a favor, the sun came out.  I did do this race in stellar or anything.  Wasn't a PR or anything.  But I dressed up has Suzy Snowflake.  So a wig that I was worried would fall off, and shirt that kept falling down, violation of rule, never run without testing your gear.  One of the most exciting parts of this race for me was the girl I was running beside.  I actually passed her.  At the turn around, I looked at her and said, "lets go 7010, catch me".   That is just what she did.  She had it out for me from then on. I love it.  On the final ascent (hill) I passed her briefly.  She panicked and took off to the finish line.  Yes I got my rear end beat but it was fun!    Can't wait for next year : ) Now on my runs, I visualize her and stay on her heals.

I dressed up in snowflake theme.  I wanted to be different but was happy to find my snowflake sisters.  Thank you total strangers for posing for a picture with me ; )

Sea of Santa Hats

I just hear the theme to Rocky when I see this picture.

My sister Alyssa rocked it out, as always.  She was injured but despite it, she persevered.